Photos de femmes rondes : les plus jolis clichés de 2018

Vous les adorez ? Nous aussi ! C’est reparti pour une sélection de photos de femmes rondes qui vous feront sourire, rire, qui vous inspireront et vous aideront à coup sûr à mieux accepter vos rondeurs. Amoureuses, passionnées de lingerie, sportives et solidaires, vous allez les adorer.

Les rondes et l’amour

Il arrive encore à certaines de nos lectrices rondes d’avoir peur de ne jamais trouver l’amour à cause de leurs rondeurs. Le surpoids n’est pourtant pas un frein à l’amour. Les nombreuses histoires et témoignages publiés sur Ma Grande Taille à ce sujet en sont la preuve. Et si vous en doutez encore, on vous prouve avec ces photos de femmes rondes que l’amour n’est pas une question de taille.



Callie Thorpe

Isabella Rosee

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Bébé à bord

Photos de femmes rondes : passion lingerie

Vous adorez les photos de femmes rondes en lingerie ? Nous aussi. Elles nous redonnent confiance en nous en nous prouvant que l’on a le droit d’aimer son corps et de se sentir sexy même lorsque l’on est ronde.

Voir le guide de la lingerie grande taille

Felicity Hayward

Olivia Campbell

Georgina Horne

Daisy Christina

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I can have a tummy and still look yummy! This is ME and My summer beach body! I have a stomach just like every other woman! With this picture I want to show you we are all beautiful in our own way.. With or without a stomach! I want to bring more diversity to the media. You don’t need to cover up or loose/gain weight for others! If you’re not happy with your body… do something about it. Do it for yourself! ?? but To love yourself is to understand you don’t need to be perfect to be good! You’re perfect in your own way! Loving yourself isn’t Vanity, It is Sanity! ??and don’t forget ladies there are plenty of men that prefers and loving a thick woman! Trust me! ? Enjoy your beautiful day and Love yourself! Photo @ricardojphotography #plussizemodel #curvymodel #plusmodel #celebratemysize #curvywomen #model #models #ladies

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Brielle Anyea



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“Sometimes, I forget that I am a lovable, talented woman. I forget that I am doing the best I can in each (ok, most) moments. I forget to forgive myself for forgetting. For being less than perfect. For being funky, prickly, awkward, unpolished me. I forget that I am a spiritual being clothed in creaky flesh, that I can choose to do only those things that contribute to healing and meaning in my life.” . This words are not my own, but they speak loudly to me. I am not always in love with myself, but I am dedicated to always finding a way back ♥️. . . . . . . . #loveyourself #torrid #torridfashion #thesecurves #goldenconfidence #celebratemysize #honormycurves #fullfiguredfashion #boldncurvy

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Tess Holliday

Les plus beaux clichés body positifs

Les campagnes body positives continuent d’inonder la toile pour notre plus grand plaisir. En ce début d’année 2018, nous avons sélectionné quelques clichés marquants et inspirants. Accepter son corps n’est pas toujours simple lorsque l’on est en surpoids. Ces photos sont alors une aide précieuse pour nous mettre sur la voie.



Respectons nos différences




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@ronyhernandes meu amor

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Plus fortes et conquérantes que jamais

Les femmes rondes ne sont pas sportives ? Si certains le pensent encore, nos influenceuses rondes sont là pour faire évoluer les mentalités. Yoga, course à pied, musculation, et même catch, nos femmes du jour ne se refusent rien et nous incitent à en faire de même.


Lalaa Misaki

Georgina Horne




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Today I went to an @k.deer fitness event and I was the only plus size woman there. I was really intimidated. The other women were all fitness and work out gurus and were speaking a seemingly foreign language comprised of studio names, fitness instructors and hip new food products. (I hear tumeric is big this year) I was out of my element and it’s clear I had no chance of keeping up. Here’s the important part, I tried any way. Sure there were parts I had to modify, parts I had to rest and parts I had to say a prayer to the universe to not throw up. It was really hard. As I sat there hunched over trying not to hurl, I remembered the first time I worked out and how it felt just like this. How it was scary and overwhelming and I felt totally out of place. It wasn’t fun. It was emotionally exhausting. But I did it anyways. The key to overcoming fears that stand in the way of our growth is to try. It’s not to be perfect. It’s not to blend in. It may not even be to succeed. It’s to know that you walked away with no regrets because today you did your best to push past something that was preventing you from being your best self. Take it from the chubby girl who just spent half the class rocking a mean child’s pose, don’t let life try you, try life instead. #fitspo #livelifetothefullest #workoutmotivation #try #plussize

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Prêtes pour l’été

Le retour de l’été marque aussi souvent le retour de nos complexes. Ici aussi, nos femmes rondes du jour nous aident à dépasser nos angoisses et à envisager la belle saison sous son meilleur jour. Soleil, maillot de bain grande taille, copines et sable fin, vivement le retour des beaux jours !


Kellie Brown

Nicole Simone


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Campanha Tropicale para @somosplusoficial

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Callie Thorpe

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I’m back home in the UK and unfortunately back to reality so today we went and did our food shop. I’ve decided to take part in #cookjan a community project to cook in jan started by @smokintofu so I wrote out some meal plans. As you may know I love cooking so I wanted to get myself a new cookbook to try some new recipes. When I went to the book section I saw that all the fab cookbooks I saw at Christmas had been replaced with diet books with titles like ‘how to get the bikini body you want with these easy steps’ ‘The quick and easy way to lose weight’ ‘Burn fat fast’ I need to firstly say I don’t have an issue with people choosing to lose weight because I believe you have to do what’s best for your personal body and well being and only you know how you feel. What I can’t get on board with are diets that make you feel like you are disgusting/ugly/in worthy because you don’t have a perfect body. All bodies can wear bikinis, every woman should be able to feel the sunshine on her skin and enjoy a swim in ocean, that is wellness, that is good for you. Dangerous diets are not good for you. Weight loss teas are not good for you. Hateful thoughts are not good for you. So please don’t let these diet plans/books/videos make you feel worthless because remember beauty is more than skin deep. So here I am in my bikini bod, I’m not ripped, I don’t have a thigh gap and quite frankly I don’t care. Don’t let January grind you down because you deserve much better than that.

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Gabi Fresh et ses amies

Loey Lane

Cassia DeMayo

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Sun kissed ?✨

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Girl Power

Cette année sera sans aucun doute placée sous le signe du Girl Power. Solidarité, respect de nos différences, ensemble nous sommes plus fortes.

Voilà qui termine notre top photos. En espérant que nos femmes rondes du jour vous auront apporté la bonne dose d’inspiration et de confiance en vous que vous méritez.

Carole Guidon
Carole Guidon
Les rondeurs ne sont pas synonymes de laideur. Le corps gros n'est pas forcément un fardeau. Moi-même, je suis une jeune fille ronde et épanouie qui s'assume. J'aime la vie et les plaisirs simples. Et j'ai à cœur de militer au quotidien contre la grossophobie qui gangrène notre société. Derrière chaque corps se cache une histoire, heureuse ou douloureuse, mais toujours unique, qu'on gagnerait à accueillir avec respect et humilité.
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