Elle fait des parodies de stars avec son mari et c’est à mourir de rire

On vous le dit : ce sera (et de loin) la news la plus drôle que vous lirez cette semaine à propos des parodies de stars. Aujourd’hui, nous vous présentons un couple qui a décidé de faire de l’humour une arme de destruction massive… et ça marche ! Impossible de ne pas rire devant les vidéos ou les photos qu’ils postent sur Instagram (plus de 60 000 followers tout de même).

En couple, ils orchestrent des parodies de stars et ça déchire

Pas de petits papillons, de rose bonbon ou de déclaration d’amour… Ces deux-là se sont mariés pour le meilleur, et pour l’humour ! « Knee Deep In Life » est une page Instagram où nos tourtereaux ont décidé de laisser libre cours à leur imagination débordante.

Pour ce faire, c’est généralement madame (Laura) qui se met en scène. Monsieur (Steve) filme, photographie et décide parfois de participer au spectacle. Le but ? Faire rire mais aussi dénoncer les diktats sur l’apparence, le physique des mannequins sur les podiums, la pression à propos de l’apparence corporelle d’une femme, d’une mère… Autant de sujets de société qui nous parlent et nous touchent au quotidien.

Si vous êtes à l’aise avec l’anglais, vous verrez que Laura prend souvent position et, au travers de l’humour, dénonce toutes les petites choses du quotidien qui ont tendance à nous pourrir la vie. Dans la lignée de sa désormais célèbre consœur, Céleste Barber, elle nous fait hurler de rire et nous pousse à envoyer valser nos complexes ! C’est officiel, Laura et Steve font partie de nos instagrameurs préférés !

« Knee Deep In Life » : leurs 15 meilleures parodies de stars en photos et vidéos

Trêve de suspens… Après vous avoir mis l’eau à la bouche de cette manière, on ne va tout de même pas se quitter sans vous avoir montré quelques vidéos (cliquez dessus pour les lancer) et photos ! Prêt(e)s à rire un bon coup ? C’est parti !

1 – Un petit air de piano

2 – Défilé automne/hiver 2019

3 – « Quand la nourriture, c’est la vie »

4 – Une sensualité débordante

5 – Super héroïne

6 – Qui veut prendre un bain ?

7 – C’est juste une question de style !

8 – T’aurais pas du dentifrice par là ?

9 – Avoir du style en couple… Ou pas !

10 – Ça serre un peu cette culotte !

11 – On improvise une petite danse sexy ?

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GOOGLE GOALS…. BRINGING IN NEW YEAR LIKE…. When you think slow motion makes you look like a belly dancer, but you just end up pissing a little because your body can't take that much physical activity. Before you making new resolutions about how you want your body to be different, that you swear the diet will work this time or that you'll promise to go to the gym more. Just take a moment to thank yourself for being fucking amazing, for achieving 2018, because you're still here babes! Fuck, that's amazing. You're entering into a brand new year and maybe, just maybe you could dream bigger than the diet or gym routine, maybe dream of finding all the reasons why you're absolutely amazing, incredible and enough right now. Tonight ring in the New Year with a promise to be kinder to yourself, to surround yourselves with the people who matter, to work harder on finding you and reminding yourself why I think you're fucking fabulous. 2019 we find ourselves and we make it our bitch. Here's to you babes, the one who lost too much of yourself along the way, be ready to reclaim that beautiful mind, body and soul. Thank you to all the real men ready to help us in our journey. Every Queen needs her King. HAPPY NEW YEAR LEGENDS @kateupton @terryrichardson #googlegoals #funnyvideos #nailedit #sexybitches #2019imready #bringinginthenewyear #wegotthis2019 #queens #kings

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12 – Salut toi !

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GOOGLE GOALS …. BEND IT FLEX IT…. When you think you've got piles but you just need him to double check because you're out of anusol. Jlo, I'll be fucked if I'm bending over that hard for anything other than a bag of Maltesers. To all my new followers, I'm here to empower, support, encourage, make you laugh until you piss and show you how easy it is to give zero fucks over social norms. Dependant on when my period is due will depend on whether I post something sad because hormones give me the Debbie Downers (sorry to all Debbie Downers it's a really fucking unfortunate name). If you can manage all that legendary stuff then buckle in you beauts, fuck knows what's next. Yes, I have a spotty arse and you'll no doubt see it if you zoom. You're welcome. Much love, The gimp loving, spanx wearing, buck teethed, big nosed, munt shuffler X @jlo #googlegoals #funnyphoto #muntshuffler #spottyarse #legendsofkneedeep #nailedit #piles #whereismyendorsement #anusoliamwaiting #nopressure

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13 – De la souplesse, de la souplesse !

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GOOGLE GOALS…. FLEX LIKE BECKS…. When you tell everyone you're going to the gym to work on your acro yoga moves but you fuck it off for a bag of Maltesers, and pyjamas. 150,000 FOLLOWERS. my mind is fucking blown. I get told constantly you wish you had my confidence and that I inspire you, that you wish you could be me. 2 years ago, this wasn't me, I had hideous body dismorphia and I obsessed with the women who seemed so perfect no doubt with their perfectly tight vagina because they seemed to have it made, I assumed you they had a fuck more glamour in their lives than my shit stain toilet, bedroom that looked like a vampires lunch box when I'm on my period and a vagina like a pair of net curtains dragging on the floor. Turns out I am now that person you all look at on wonder and I just want to tell you I got here because of you, because you continue to empower me, encourage me and remind me why I do what I do. Do you see how easy that is?? To make another woman feel worthy??? We just need to act like the legends we were destined to be and actually lift each other up, not tear each other down. I will continue to shout from the roof tops that you are worthy because I have seen first hand that our words can do truly incredible things. All we have to do it turn to the person next to us and say I think your fucking amazing, I think you are beautiful, I believe in you, we can do this together. Let's do it! Unless the person next to you is a total wank stain, them may be just high five them in the face. Wish a fish. Gently. Because I really don't want to promote violence. Love you guys and while I understand this could all come to a crashing end tomorrow (I might just need to be put to sleep like a dying dog if that happens) I know I've ridden this incredible rollercoaster and I have met incredible people, made you smile and reminded you that you're totally good enough. Seriously though, why the fuck haven't I had a guest spot on Loose Women and where is my Tena lady endorsement deal?? 2019, we've got this! Steve told me the vampires lunch box is gross, naturally that meant I kept it in. Fuck yes, we rock. @Victoriabeckham #googlegoals #funnyphoto

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14 – Attention, catastrophe dans 3…2…1 !

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GOOGLE GOALS…. SELLING YOUR MERCH POSE…. When you've underestimated the arse, to seat ratio and you're unsure if you've just permanently loaded a 50 pack of 2019 calendars up your chuff. Where the fuck did my bellybutton go? Narnia??? Timbukfuckingtoo??? To the legends who ordered the 2019 family calender, they're winging their way to you. They've been safely deposited at the post office and are all soon to be hitting your mats for your viewing pleasure. Anyone who would love to buy my mother fucking merch, the link is in my bio. International deliveries are now no longer available, but UK you can still order. If not, don't worry. All my family and friends will be delighted with their Christmas presents this year. #googlegoals #funnyphotos @arianagrande #nailedit #motherfuckingmerch #letsmake2019ourbitch #familycalendar #chufffullofcalendars

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15 – J’ai mes règles, OK ?!

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GOOGLE GOALS…. TEASE HIM…. When you start your period so you just want to make it clear you're going to suffer from a heavy bout of bitchbagitus and there is fuck all he can do about it, mainly because it feels like your womb is trying to forcible drag itself out of your body via your anal cavity and leave you to bleed out. Me: I'm worried I've got ecoli. Steve: ….what?? Why?? Me: because I ate chicken yesterday and now I feel achy. Steve: Laura, how the fuck do you even get to ecoli from eating chicken? How??? I don't understand. Me: I just feel it. I have this inner sense like this could turn really deadly. Steve: are you being sick???? Me: okay, fuck. Literally, I know I've just worried you but I've just started my period. I don't have ecoli. In other news don't google your symptoms. Turns out Google doesn't know shit. True story. That poor bastard lives with this every fucking day. @alexisren #sexy #inailedit #googlegoals #funnyphotos #periods #menstalcrampsfeellikeecoli #justsaying #iwasgettingworried

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Alors ? Vous avez les larmes au yeux ? Ces parodies sont vraiment à mourir de rire… Vous en voulez encore plus ? Rien de plus facile, cliquez simplement sur leur pseudo Instagram pour avoir accès à tout leur contenu et bon visionnage !

Amandine Cadilhon
Amandine Cadilhon
Journaliste mode, mes articles, mettent en lumière les diverses tendances et styles qui façonnent l'univers de la mode féminine. Mon objectif est de proposer un contenu diversifié et accessible à toutes et tous, en soulignant l'importance de l'expression personnelle et de l'empowerment à travers la mode.
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